Loan Equipment for Students (PPL)

What is the PPL Program?

Funded by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, the Public Postsecondary Loan (PPL) program provides the following services:

  • Consultation and assessment of students’ disability-related needs for the purpose of developing individualized assistive technology plans. The technology plans are designed to minimize specific disability-related barriers to accessing education/training.
  • Loaning assistive technology to students, as informed by the ATBC assessment process.
  • Training and ongoing technical support to ensure that students are able to implement and sustain their personalized technology plan throughout their studies.

Who is Eligible?

You may be eligible for assistive technology support through PPL if:

  • You are a resident of BC,
  • You are legally able to work in BC,
  • You are enrolled in a public postsecondary institution, and
  • You have a permanent disability (or a chronic medical condition that is expected to persist for more than two years and is the primary barrier to training or employment)

UPDATE (September 2024): Students receiving services through a WorkBC Employment Service Centre are now eligible for PPL services.

How to Apply

  1. Contact the Student Services or Disability Services office at your public postsecondary institution. The staff there will assist you to complete the PPL application form. Note: You cannot apply without your school’s support; a school official must sign the form.
  2. Include the following required supporting documentation with your PPL application:
    • Recent formal documentation (e.g. medical, psycho-educational assessment report, or audiology report) that verifies your disabling condition and describes how it causes you to experience daily functional limitations.
    • Proof of course registration.
  3. Mail the completed application form and supporting documentation to Assistive Technology BC

PPL Application Form

Declaration of Disability Forms

  • Use Form A  for Sensory Impairments and Other Medical Conditions
  • Use Form B  for Learning Disorders, ADD/ADHD, or Mental Health Disorders